Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Silent Killer

Anyone who travels to Africa and other tropical areas will warn you of Malaria.
It is an age old disease that has managed to survive and resist despite the advances in medical research...
It is my number one worry and I fear it while in Lagos; it worries me more than the security concerns everyone talks about. And I fear it because generally I attract Mosquitos. How sexy!
Of course; one can take prophylactics but one cannot live on them if the stay in an infected area is more than a 2 weeks. The malaria parasite is now resistant and immune to many of the most used medicines. Smart!
There are a number of foundation working to find a cure but since this disease is not affecting the developed world, it gets little attention and is never mentioned. Shame !
It took a Bill Gates to bring it out to the headlines:
To learn more just type silent killer on Google. The result are all on Malaria.

1 comment:

Tamer Zikry said...

mosquito nets and periodically spraying on insect repellent is what I did in Uganda